A list of QAB FAQs

Why is the bar not showing up on my website?

Please check the detailed guide here to see the potential reasons

The bar covers parts of my website, how to fix it?

Please check the QAB theme integration guides.

If you could not find the solution. Please email us and include your store URL; we will investigate it for you.

Can I have multiple Quick Announcement Bars on my website?

Yes. In the premium plan, you can have unlimited number of bars. 

If you would like to have multiple bars display on the same page, you could put them in rotation. Check the detail guide here on how to create the rotation bars.

What features are offered in the premium plan (compare to the free plan)?

With Free version, you could configure multiple bars, but only one could be active.

With Premium version

  1. Multiple active bars, unlimited active bars on different pages, and/or target different geo locations, and/or during different time periods. 
  2. Bar Rotation, all activated bars can be set to display in rotation.
  3. Auto-scheduling, you can configure all the announcement bars for the next month, then sit back and relax. The App automatically displays them based on the schedule.
  4. Performance tracking, App tracks and presents the number of clicks, you could optimize the message and style of the bar based on this metric.
  5. Visitor source target, You can setup the bar displays only to visitors from certain source, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc
  6. Bar background image, use a holiday themed bar background image to make your whole site more relevant to the shopping season.
  7. Upload your own background image, Put your own branding on the bar; Use product image on the bar. This opens up a lot of possibilities. 

Multilingual messages for different customers

To show a message in your language, you can simply put the message in your language into the “Text” related fields. Our Geo Target feature will be very helpful if you would like to show the message only to the customers from the corresponding countries.

If you like showing bilingual messages, 2 active bars will do the work with different Geo Target settings.

How to edit my bar?

You can edit the bar by clicking the “Edit” button. Then you will see all the options by scrolling down.

Is there a way to use a bold font in the bar?

It is feasible by adding a HTML tag:

<span style="font-weight:bold;”> Your content here </span>

Can I insert an image to the bar?

It is feasible by adding an image HTML tag:

<img src="http://your-image-url-address"> your message

You can replace the "http://your-image-url-address” with your image address, like PayPal icon, Google Play icon and Apple Store icon.


How to schedule my bar?

You can find the option under “Bar Display Schedule”. A screenshot is attached for your reference.


Is there a way of loading the bar more rapidly?

The delay is because of the Shopify restriction. To achieve the best user experience, Shopify will always load your website first, and then the apps, hence the delay. When it loads the apps, it will load them one by one based on their installation order. For example, if an app is the last one installed in your store, it will be the last one to load into the storefront.

But there is one more thing we can try:

  1. Please go to the “FAQ” page by clicking on the “FAQ” button on the top right corner of the app.
  2. Find "Can Quick Announcement Bar display as soon as the website loads?”.
  3. Please follow the instruction and let us know if it works.

It will minimize the delay time. However, it won’t completely remove it because of the Shopify restriction.


Can the app put an X (close button) on the side of the bar so the user can close the banner if they choose?

Yes. We have a feature to add the button.


How to re-order the bars?

The bar is ordered based on its creation time.

Let’s say, you have 3 bars:

  • Bar A
  • Bar B
  • Bar C

The Bar A will show first, and then Bar B, and then Bar C.

If you want to move the A under C, you can simply duplicate the Bar A. Then delete the original Bar A. The new order will be:

  • Bar B
  • Bar C
  • Bar A (copy)

The Bar A now is the last one to show on your website.

Currently, this is the only way to re-order the bars in the app.


What is the recommend background image size?

The background image can be any format. We recommend using PNG or JPG as they are the most common image format.

The background image is not a single one big image. It is a small image that repeating itself horizontally and vertically.

If you are using the default settings, we recommend using an image with 45-90px height. Width is flexible. You can also use our holiday theme image background as an example. Our images dimension is 45 x 105px.


Can I get a bigger font size on the mobile devices?

On mobile browsers, the font size will be capped to achieve best display style.

To achieve this, you can create 2 bars (this is a Premium feature):

  • One targets the desktop devices
  • One targets the mobile devices

Then, the mobile one can use a larger font size.

What is the Visitor Source feature?

Visitor source target is a feature that you can set up the bar displays only to visitors from a specific source.

Currently, it supports:
- Facebook.com
- Instagram.com
- Twitter.com
- Pinterest.com
- Custom URL
- UTM code

 We attached a screenshot for your reference.



Can I have different bars for Google versus Google ads?

Yes. It is achievable by using the UTM code option under the "Visitor Source."

Regarding how to use the UTM codes, you will find a lot of tutorials on Google.

We attached a screenshot for your reference.



How do I cancel my Premium subscription?

To cancel the Premium subscription, please go to the Plans and Pricing page by clicking the button at the top right corner of the app. Then, switch to the Free plan on the page.

We attached a screenshot for your reference.


Why my text is not aligned center?

There was an empty button pushing the content to the left. Please check off the "Do not add any link” option for you. This option will remove the empty button.

The content will be aligned center once you remove the button.

We attached a screenshot for your reference.