High risk order detection

How to create an automation to get an email when a high risk order is created?

You could achieve this by creating an automation to send you an email whenever a high risk order is created. You could set to include the order, risk report, and customer info in the email as well. Here is the step by step guide,

  1. Create a new rule by clicking the "Create New Automation" button in the App
  2. Define the conditions
    1. Select the condition "Order is Created" from the dropdownSimple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify App
    2. Click the "Add Condition" button
    3. Select the "Order is a High Risk Order" from the dropdown as the 2nd conditionSimple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify App
    4. Define the actions
      1. Select action "send email notification" from the dropdown
      2. Defined the recipients and subject shown in the screenshot belowSimple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify App
      3. Input the message you want in the email body
      4. Select the proper data table template from the dropdown to include the order info, risk report, customer info, etc in the emailSimple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify AppSimple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify App
      5. We can also add a tag to this order to indicate that the order need verificationSimple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify App
      6. Save the setup, and you could see the automation is shown up in the automation list.Simple Shop Automation by Hextom - Shopify App
      7. Click the "see logs", you will see the details of each run

        Caution: High Risk Orders evaluated by Simple Shop Automation App might be different from Shopify evaluation. Recommend to use email notification for Risky Order notification instead of cancelling them.

        You could combine multiple conditions and multiple actions to meet your needs. If you could not find combination, simply email us. We are delighted to learn your demand and improve our App.