A list of SSA FAQs

Why my automation doesn't fire off?

1. Please wait for a couple of minutes

There could be a couple of minutes delay.

The automation will be triggered immediately, but it could take a couple of minutes to complete the processing and show up on your dashboard. The delay is based on the number of tasks that needs to be processed in the queue.

2. Double check your tags

Our App checks the vendor info as case sensitive.

We would recommend to either to create more automation to cover the different case, or update the product vendor info so they can be unified in either uppercase or lowercase.


When is the start and end of the usage cycle?

The usage cycle starts at the 1st day of each month, and ends at the end of each month. The monthly usage restarts at the beginning of each month.

What if I use all of this monthly limit?

Once reaching the monthly limit, a notification email will be sent to you. All the automation will not be processed until the beginning of the next cycle, 1st of the next month.

If you want to increase the limit, you can go to the pricing page and upgrade to a higher plan. After the upgrade, the new limit will be immediately applied to your account.

For example, if you are on the "Basic" plan and use all 1000 monthly usage, you can upgrade to the "Professional" plan, and your usage status will be 1000/3000 immediately after the upgrade. Hence, all the automation will not be affected.

Would I get a notification email once I use certain amount of my monthly limit?

Yes, once your monthly usage reaches to the monthly limit. A notification email will be sent to you. 

In addition, you can configure another notification based on the usage percentage in the App. 

For example, you can configure the App to send you a notification email if your monthly usage is over 80% of the limit.

Can I upgrade and downgrade plan anytime, such as in the middle of a usage cycle?

Yes, you can upgrade and downgrade your plan anytime, and the change will be applied immediately.

Why the recipients could not receive the automation triggered emails?

Firstly, please contact the recipients to check their spam box, the emails might be filtered into their spam mail box. In addition, they might unsubscribe from the automation triggered emails before.

What if the automation I want is not available, can I get a customized automation?

If you could not find the automation you want, you can implement it just for you as custom development.

Feel free to contact us at help@hextom.com; we will assess it and provide a quote to you.

What time zone is used for time based automation?

It is based on your local time zone of the place where you setup the automation rule.

Can I use my own formatting for emails?

There are two parts in an email: Email Body and Data Table. You can use your own formats and HTML in the email body.

The content and style of data tables can not be changed. If none of the available data tables suit your use case, please send an email to help@hextom.com to add more.