Tag VIP customers

SSA SSA example

How to create an automation to tag customer as VIP after they spent more? You could achieve this by creating an automation to tag the customer as "VIP" after they spend a defined amount of money cumulatively. Here is the step by step guide,   Create a new rule by clicking the "Create New Automation" button in the App Define the conditions Select the condition "A Customer has made an order" from the dropdown Click the "Add Condition" button Select the "customer lifetime total spent reached" from the dropdown as the 2nd condition Input the money amount, we use 1000 as an example....

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High risk order detection

SSA SSA example

How to create an automation to get an email when a high risk order is created? You could achieve this by creating an automation to send you an email whenever a high risk order is created. You could set to include the order, risk report, and customer info in the email as well. Here is the step by step guide, Create a new rule by clicking the "Create New Automation" button in the App Define the conditions Select the condition "Order is Created" from the dropdown Click the "Add Condition" button Select the "Order is a High Risk Order" from the...

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Dropshipping order notification

SSA SSA example

I am doing dropshipping, how to create an automation to let my suppliers when the product is order, so they can fulfill the order? You could achieve this by creating an automation to send order/customer info via email to the suppliers/vendors when the products from them are ordered. Here is a step by step guide below, Create a new rule by clicking the "Create New Automation" button in the App Define the conditions Select the 1st condition from the dropdown "Product is ordered" Click the "Add Condition" button If you are using vendor to differentiate the product suppliers, select the...

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How to create an automation rule?


In SSA, each automation rule has 2 parts. One is the trigger. You could have one or multiple events as the trigger, for example "an product is ordered" "an product is ordered" + "this product is from vendor Hextom" Note: if there are more than one events in the trigger part, in order to have the trigger take effect, all events need to happen The second part is action. Similar to trigger, you could have one or multiple actions, for example, "send an email to Hextom with the order/shipping info" "send an email to Hextom with the order/shipping info" and "tag...

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A list of SSA FAQs


Why my automation doesn't fire off? 1. Please wait for a couple of minutes There could be a couple of minutes delay. The automation will be triggered immediately, but it could take a couple of minutes to complete the processing and show up on your dashboard. The delay is based on the number of tasks that needs to be processed in the queue. 2. Double check your tags Our App checks the vendor info as case sensitive. We would recommend to either to create more automation to cover the different case, or update the product vendor info so they can be...

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